VirusEbola's Intermediate Home Page Help

Hey there. If you're here, it's probably because you want to develop your web page. If so, this page is for you



  1. You are not a complete web newbie
  2. You are not an Internet Guru that uses 7 CGI scripts on a page and creates VRML worlds.

You might find some useful stuff here if you are included in one of the previous two categories, but it won't be a great site for you.

Basically, I created this site for people who build web pages in their spare time and want to discover some new and interesting (hopefully) things and utilities to enhance their "websperience".
This site will grow (and improve) as I discover more and more interesting stuff on the Web that can help you build a better mousetrap (uh, homepage).
The first thing that I'll tackle is FREE HOME PAGES.